Guest written by Nathan Houde!

#907: Old School Lawyer

#907: Old School Lawyer published on No Comments on #907: Old School Lawyer

Mike: The past few years have been amazing for his reenactment career. Nathan:  So I’ve been fighting the flu the last few days.  Got bad enough that I called the doctor who then told me to get tested for the Coronavirus.  I haven’t traveled so that’s just stupid.  After being shunted around for a couple… Continue reading #907: Old School Lawyer

#909: Epic Shot

#909: Epic Shot published on No Comments on #909: Epic Shot

Mike: It’s interesting whenever I see a huge franchise make a pretty obvious continuity mistake without having to look it up. Yet, I had to look up and make sure Bob did indeed have two daughters. Also the fact that James actually gave them names (Kate and Linda). Why do I have such incredible memories… Continue reading #909: Epic Shot