Ch. 10 – Party Time

O Party Party Party. I wanna have a Party. I need to have a Party. You better have a Party

#127: And So Forth

#127: And So Forth published on No Comments on #127: And So Forth

Mike: Oh Beck, at least you still have the bragging rights. James: I black out from time to time when I drink way too much, but nothing good ever happens. I usually wake up the next morning to a list of things my drunk as broke and my hungover ass has to replace.

#128: Where’s The Rage, Fanboy?

#128: Where’s The Rage, Fanboy? published on No Comments on #128: Where’s The Rage, Fanboy?

Mike: I plan on writing a length blog post about rebooting but for now the only this I can say about DC’s plans is: Unnecessary. In other news I’ve added Gravatars to the comment section. If you’re unfamiliar Gravatars stands for “Globablly Recognized Avatars” and means when you sign up there you can upload an… Continue reading #128: Where’s The Rage, Fanboy?