Mike: I personally can’t stand that smell, kudos to those of you out there who actually attempt to cover it up.
James: I love Mario Kart. SO. DAMN. MUCH.
For serious.
Local Comic Shop – A Webcomic
Mike: I personally can’t stand that smell, kudos to those of you out there who actually attempt to cover it up.
James: I love Mario Kart. SO. DAMN. MUCH.
For serious.
1 Comment
Reminds me of a story. When I lived in my hometown, me and my friends would have Wednesday Mario Kart nights. Which was nothing but playing Mario Kart from 6 at night to about 2 in the morning. One of these nights we were interrupted by some Jehovah’s witnesses. We challenged one of them to a match, stating if he won, we would join the Jehovah religion and all that jazz. The self proclaimed Mario Kart Jehovah Master stepped up, selected his character, three of us selected our characters, then toasted his ass in four races. He never got past fourth place.
And we never joined their religion.